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Using Linux as a daily use OS

Think of this blog post as a follow-up to a previous one, “I set up another Windows-Linux dualboot”. This wasn’t originally in plan but at some point after I finished writing that...

Important announcement regarding my YouTube channel

Hello. I didn’t expect to make this blog post in particular but I have several announcements about my YT channel and the direction where it’s going. As a TL;DR, I am considering...

What's new on the Lynxmic website and blog?

I am excited to announce the new changes to the lynxmic.github.io website and the Lynxmic Blog that I’ve been working on for the past month. For short, the lynxmic.github.io website has received...

Kubuntu 22.04 LTS installing

I set up another Windows-Linux dualboot

For a while I’ve been considering to try Linux on a real computer again (being that the last time I ran Linux on such was in 2020). This time I wanted to...

Leap Day 2024 Updates

Surprisingly or not, it’s been a while since I made one of these classic “check-in” update blog posts (that aren’t “announcement posts”), so it’s kinda time for me to do so again…?...

Old Lynxmic statements

No way, new post on this blog for the fourth day in a row? Anyway, no intro really this time, here are several of what I call “statements” from the past that...

Finding a new place for my personal data archive

For the past two-three months, looking to reorganize my storage, I’ve been adventuring on finding a reliable enough storage medium for my personal data archive, from all the existing options I have....

Happy New Year! What's next for Lynxmic?

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024! (well, unless it’s still 2023 for you as you’re reading this, I am in Europe) With the new year, Lynxmic is getting yet another refresh. The...

Wrapping up 2023

2022 was pretty much the year of consolidation, so what’s Lynxmic been up to in 2023? We only have to see… State of the channel In terms of content, 2023 wasn’t a...

VMware Tools setup on a Windows 8 beta build

How to install VMware Tools on Windows Betas

A tutorial on how to install VMware Tools on a Windows beta build. Yes, it may be theoretically as “simple” to install as on VMs with stable/non-beta Windows releases, but the timebomb...

29 posts ꞏ Page 1 of 3

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