Important announcement regarding my YouTube channel

17 Jun 2024

Hello. I didn’t expect to make this blog post in particular but I have several announcements about my YT channel and the direction where it’s going.

As a TL;DR, I am considering taking an indefinite break from making YouTube videos mainly due to lack of motivation. Under the actual circumstances, I cannot guarantee there will be weekly videos throughout the entire period of July-August as originally planned.

However, what I can guarantee is that there will definitely be new videos every week throughout July, every Friday at 18:00 GMT+3 (stay tuned!).

My break could last from a few weeks to a few months in the worst case scenario - that said, for a longer version of this announcement (including more exact reasons as to why the break is being taken into consideration), feel free to keep reading.


I was originally going to get ready weekly videos for during this summer, aka the months of July and August.

I was planning this back since the year started (I have already announced this back on my February updates blog post), with the idea that I have videos posted over more frequently than my normal “1-2 videos per month” schedule. My main aims were to:

  • try to get my channel back on track for the first time since February, with views, subscribers etc. (under premise that many people are free during the summer period and as such there’d be more consumption of YouTube)
  • generally speaking, for the existing 565+ subscribers, provide some content to watch throughout the summer

These videos would have all been done in advance. The idea is that I work on these videos during this time, then during July-August I get to… take a break from YT, while well still providing content.

The current state of things

Most of the videos I planned for July are ready, so basically it’s safe for me to say expect new videos every week throughout the entirety of the upcoming month.

To be more precise, a new video will be coming out every Friday at 18:00 GMT+3/EEST (compare your timezone to this!), starting 5 July!

However, the bad news is that I don’t think I am going to be able to get over with the videos I planned for August as originally planned (in advance etc). :/ Progress has been actually slower than I was expecting, especially due to me just barely having any motivation at all (for the most of the time I’ve simply been really lazy, like not feeling like doing anything).

Literally only in the past week, all I’ve done regarding this weekly video project was constantly try from my video ideas and then cancel since either it wouldn’t go well or I am just too lazy to actually record a specific video. That may seem like I’m progressing, but no - I didn’t truly progress at all.

Other than that, I’ve been also quite busy IRL, as my school year ends and summer break starts etc.

So, what will exactly happen during July-August?

The answer is simple, it’s just as said above. I will strive to at least get over with the July videos to at least have a weekly video schedule during that month.

Though at this time I cannot guarantee anything for August, as in maintaining July’s weekly video schedule during that month also.

I am considering just taking an indefinite break from making YouTube videos as soon as I finish this one video I have remaining, until I get motivation again.

In the best case scenario it would only last enough time for me to be able to keep a weekly video schedule during July and August, in the worst case scenario it will end up being a few month break (which I hope it won’t be the case).

The final verdict will pretty much be in late July. Of course I’m still hoping I will still be able to bring content as planned somehow, but I again cannot guarantee anything, since I don’t want to have to like try to push myself just to make the weekly videos a reality (especially since I aim for these videos to have some effort in them).

Basically, better to make nothing rather than end up with a final product you’ll be never proud of.

Though, I may (or may not) still make occasional check-in streams or second channel videos, as well as come up with different other projects that I currently have in mind, maybe? who knows? Also potential future changes to this website too, when I feel like doing that ofc.

After all, this blog post serves as a FYI to let y’all know that the pile of weekly videos may end earlier than originally planned.

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