Leap Day 2024 Updates

29 Feb 2024

Surprisingly or not, it’s been a while since I made one of these classic “check-in” update blog posts (that aren’t “announcement posts”), so it’s kinda time for me to do so again…? The current month of February is about to end, for some (myself included) this means the end of winter, while for others this means the end of summer (for those in the Southern Hemisphere).

It’s hard to believe we’re all two months into 2024 now, quite a lot happened during this time and I want to talk a bit about the past, present and future of the Lynxmic project…

Lynxmic in 2024 so far

To recap what happened so far, Lynxmic began 2024 with a new branding package, as well as the launch of the LynxWebsite 2.0 website redesign and the Lynxmic’s Lodge Discord Server. There was so much to do and I wanted to launch all of this at the same time, on the first day of the year.

So far, all of this has been a success. The website has continued to see updates, although it’s still not fully complete yet as it wasn’t that high in my priority list. The Discord server is perhaps what I’m the proudest of all things, it has seen its activity and member growth soar throughout the past two months, and today the server has over 50 members (up from the around <35 members where Lynxmic’s Square was left), thanks to everyone for making this possible!

In fact, all of the Lynxmic stuff have been on the rise, not just the Lynxmic Discord Server. My Fediverse profile now has around 55 followers, and my YT channel has over 540 subscribers, again thanks to everyone for making this possible.

Part of how my YouTube channel has gotten such a high subscriber number is that video I made showing off the new Windows Setup introduced with Windows 11 Build 26040 (click here to watch if you didn’t already), which has gotten many likes, comments and views - it’s now the second most popular video on my channel after the Windows Upgrade Fest! To everyone who subscribed because of that video, welcome aboard!

Oh, also did I mention that there’s now a new page on this blog? I essentially made this one because why not, it’s basically a Notifications page which basically lists possible ways to get notified on new blog posts (which as of now is through the assignable roles on my Discord Server (again, if you’re interested, then please feel free to join) and the blog’s RSS Feed).

Future plans, looking forward to Spring

…or Fall/Autumn, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere. Let me begin with the channel, it is going to be mostly business-as-usual, for the moment the “schedule” will be going to be pretty much the same for the next three months.

In other words, videos will continue to come once or twice per month at random times, depending on time, mood and ideas. Speaking of ideas, I want to work on to brainstorm more video ideas so I can transform them into reality through the coming summer so there’s something for y’all to watch, there may also be potentially more frequent streams as well.

I might as well actually start “recycling” video ideas more and more, because nowadays there’s just so little things that’s haven’t been done yet by this point - YouTube is a very huge video-sharing platform, nowadays there are countless videos on everything - yet my channel mostly focused on things that either haven’t been done or have been done but where the videos aren’t of the best quality, that’s the case especially on the tech side of things.

With that said, I do have plans for my channel (what is it with me saying the same thing on every update blog post lmao, of course there has to be plans). Well… no guarantees, only time will tell after all. For short, any future decisions regarding the channel’s schedule will be made at the right time, not now… when we’re only about to enter March, which is pretty much just as bland/boring as Jan and Feb (and I only came to this realization recently).

In all honestly, yes I’ve been planning on having a more frequent posting/streaming schedule during the summer, although again nothing is set yet in stone.

And… what else to say? Lynxmic will continue to be pretty much business-as-usual at least during the next three months, just keep an eye on this blog, my YT channel’s community tab, Discord Server etc etc for any announcements that may come.

Leap Day Stream 2024 has been canceled

Speaking of my YT channel’s community tab, I mentioned plans for a possible “Leap Day Stream 2024” on my channel for today, 29 February 2024, which would mostly involve installing and exploring Windows Betas this time around, but I made the decision to ultimately cancel it since I thought this whole time I allocated for the stream could be used on other projects (in fact I can’t bother).

And no, this wouldn’t be the first time I would have done a Leap Day Stream, back in 2020 (exactly 4 years ago) I’ve done a Leap Day Stream over on what’s known today as NightskyArchive (watch replay here) - at that time the channel used to be known as Axeon Productions, which at that time functioned like a YT channel for my Discord server, which at that time had the name of Axeon Community.

Oh… did I forget that my third YouTube channel has indeed been renamed from Lynxmic Archives to NightskyArchive? Yes I wanted to separate my third channel from the main Lynxmic umbrella, yeah that’s all I am going to say about it. I pretty much wanted to give my third channel a new life of sorts, still have yet to work on the channel art.

For those who want to have a look at my third YT channel as it is right now, feel free to do so.

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