Old Lynxmic statements

03 Jan 2024

No way, new post on this blog for the fourth day in a row? Anyway, no intro really this time, here are several of what I call “statements” from the past that I want to archive (yes, this blog was the best place I could find for this stuff)… These are all sorted from new to old, original sources vary.

See original source (TwitLonger) - this was initially meant to be a blog post but I was way too lazy to write here.

Since arriving here in Spain, for the past month, I’ve been more active on my second channel than on my main. Excl. that Minecraft video on my main channel (because that was uploaded before I departed to here), I uploaded 2 videos on my 2nd channel (first being a recording of my phone playing Edge’s surf game, and the second being an old video from 2 years ago (also a phone screen record) that was edited and uploaded only recently), and a third video for my main channel today. The third video, however, is just a filler, as stated in its description. Should add that the video is preparatory for a bigger video project, which you’ll see eventually. For those wondering, the third video involves the installation process of Windows 8 Build 7700 and a quick look at the build.

You may or may not know that this month, I rolled out a new thumbnail design for all public main channel videos that were uploaded before June 2019. The new thumbnail design will apply also for all videos that are going to be uploaded from today onwards, starting with the Windows 8 Build 7700 video. In the future, I’m planning to expand the new thumbnail design to my second channel also.

I have many video ideas right now, just that this past month things have been moving around on my main channel pretty much slow, again due to the slow internet I currently have (this is also the reason why I don’t stream during summer, unless I’m home in my home country).

That said, while this past month had been what it is, I’ve made the decision that this August, I’ll be taking a break from making YouTube videos as well (there may be exceptions in the case something happens during August from which I get an opportunity to make a video of), with return in early September, together with the LynxLIVEs. I’ve never officially took a break from YT since 2016, so here we are.

Though I can’t guarantee, this fall should be more active than last fall, because unlike then, I have a better computer and more video/stream ideas (with even more coming in my mind while inactive on YT). Also, it’s probable that my main channel will hit 100 subs during this fall (again). For context, this year began with my main channel at around 85 subs. Currently, my main channel is at 95. As such, if this growth rate continues, this year should end with my main channel having a little bit over 100 subs. The reason I’m saying “again” when it comes to surpassing 100 subs on my main channel is because I did previously hit this number in late 2019, however months later YT came in and removed multiple subscribers from the channel as “spam”, causing the sub count to fall back (this is the reason my main channel has a custom URL despite being under 100 subs). I’m planning another 100 subscriber special as soon as my main channel hits 100 subs again, you’ll see what it is.

Anyways, that said, during this time while I’ll be not active on YT as a creator, I’ll be still active on Twitter and Discord. Just a FYI.

My quick perspective on Windows 11 (24.06.2021)

See original source (TwitLonger) - this represents my very first impressions on Windows 11 at the time it was initially unveiled

Phew, we’re finally getting an ACTUAL new Windows version. This comes after almost 6 years since the RTM release of Windows 10, the biggest gap between actual Windows versions since that between XP and Vista (5 years).

For background, Windows 11 (or the so-called Windows “Sun Valley” by myself when Microsoft announced what could’ve been originally a simple update to Windows 10 as the “next generation of Windows”) is supposed to be, of course, Windows 10’s successor. Microsoft had officially announced this new actual version of Windows today, however a few days ago it had leaked as “Build 21996” of “Windows 11”. This build is more of a Windows 10 with the UIs of the last Insider build at the time of the leak and the now-discontinued Windows 10X. The UI(s) in Windows 10 had remained (put the “s” in ()s because Windows 10 has basically multiple user interfaces, with parts dating from Windows 3.1 (1990)) for the most part, but parts of the Windows 10X UI had been implemented. This includes the OOBE, the taskbar with the centered icons (although in the leaked build they could be changed back to the old way), and the start menu. The UI in the Windows 11 leaked build remained inconsistent, and the old UIs are very likely to remain in the final build somewhere this fall.

Also, let’s not forget that while Windows 11 is the first actual Windows version without Internet Explorer (since Windows 98), Windows Media Player 12 remains! Again, not surprising at all! (partly according to the leaked build)

Also, the system requirements for Windows 11 are disappointing. They lead to millions of computers going “obsolete” by 2025, the EOS year of Windows 10, and could even lead to more and more people buying new PCs as more and more important Windows programs drop support for Windows 10 and 8.1 (and/or even people switching to alternative operating systems, e.g. Linux, macOS). Windows 11 will:

  • require TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot, things not supported by older PCs
  • require 4GB of RAM (+3GB more than in Windows 10), and 64GB of storage (double that of Windows 10)
  • drop x86 (32-bit) support
  • and much other changes to the system requirements

My secondary laptop, the ThinkPad T61, is absolutely incompatible with Windows 11, as it only has a Core 2 Duo CPU and not a CPU under the Ivy Bridge series or newer (thus not supporting TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot), according to the Windows 11 system requirements page. I doubt Windows 11 will even install on my main laptop at all, and the HP I bought almost 2 months ago (which was released after 2015!) to replace the now-dead HP G62 only has 3GB of RAM.

This TwitLonger post replaces the planned Windows 11 perspective video I mentioned several days ago on Twitter, because currently I’m not bothered to make a simple YouTube video (y’know), but this post should explain my perspective on this. Now, after the event, all we have to wait for is the first Windows 11 Insider build (for those interested in trying out the first Windows 11 build released by Microsoft and not leaked (like with Build 21996), and then the final Windows 11 RTM build that is likely to release this fall… Regardless, that’s all I had to say for now.

Axeon - 100 Members! (19.06.2018)

See original source (Pastebin) - this is related to my Discord Server as it was known at that time and is supposed to be my thoughts on it hitting the 100 member milestone but it ended up just a complete history of my experience managing my own server up to this point

Thanks for 100 members on our server (Axeon Community). We finally did it, and it’s the first big server I ever owned. I’ll give my thoughts in this pastebin because uh… it would be too big for just a message. Anyway, let’s start.

I remember my first server called Computerseasons Community. It was a very small server and I don’t really know how many members it had. If I had to guess, it didn’t had over 10 members. I won’t mention CBEN/CBGroup as it isn’t part of my brand.

At December 14th, 2016, it got raided. Everything got deleted, and everyone got banned. This was due to me giving staff to someone that would abuse their powers. The server was recreated but only me and 1 member from Axeon were in it until January 20-24 2017 when we got 2 new members (they are from Axeon too).

Eventually, I have made The Techseasons Lounge, a small tech server (it had 20+ members). The server wasn’t that active because it was very small but good people back then used to be in it. The server was shut down in April 23rd, 2017.

In April 24th, 2017, I created another server called BriciTech Discord. This was when my server was turning into something, where you can talk what you want. This is why in June 2017 it was rebranded to just BriciWorld.

But, in July 16th, 2017, it got rebuilt on the same server, and since then it was named BriciWorld Lounge (BWL). Everything stayed but it got way better. It was also owned by 4 people since then, but because it was named on my brand name, I had full ownership.

Eventually, in end of October - November 2017, when BWL had 40+ members, it has started dying, resulting in low activity, and member lose. No one has even chat anything in 20-25 November.

Therefore, I moved on again and created the server that stands today as Axeon Community, in December 28th, 2017. This wasn’t that active in the beginning and then it got fast to 40+ members in over 25 days, while BWL was getting new members VERY rarely and was dead most of the time because of Axeon (which was named Aqua Community back then.) (It was at 50+ members then.). BWL got shut down and archived for historical purposes in February 10th, 2018.

In April 22nd, 2018, 2 days before BriciWorld Lounge turns a year old, it got rebranded as Axeon Community, and it was owned by 2 people this time, but once again, I was known having the full ownership.

And, yesterday the server reached 100 members. It was a dream but the offline list didn’t disappear yet as it now shows at 100+ members. Again, thank you for this number, and hope to see new members soon.

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