Kind of a quick blog update

09 Jan 2023

Hi, just want to make this blog post real quick (why am I writing blog posts at 2am…). Back in August, I said that this blog would be phased out as we know it if Twitter releases “Notes” (since that would’ve been enough for me for a place to write long-form content). I initially wanted to talk about this statement in the previous blog post but that didn’t came in my mind until now.

Yes, only now. After I wrote that particular blog post last summer, in the meantime, as you may know, Musk acquired Twitter. Since then, we all know the direction Twitter has been going, and people have been creating accounts on Mastodon/fediverse or other alternative platforms. I wouldn’t consider even touching Notes if I’d get access to it now because: first, you know the drill, second, this blog’s redesign is giving me more motivation to write blog posts here, third, whatever.

What made me actually write this is Musk’s announcement from today that Twitter would expand its character limit for normal tweets from the present 280 characters to… 4.000. In February this year. This is twice the character limit that Twitter under its former board announced for the Notes last summer, which was 2.500. Not only that it would ruin what made Twitter unique in the first place, but… I can already imagine how it will be like to scroll through those tweets with two many characters to the point it’d remind me of Facebook a bit. Though in the feed only an excerpt of the tweet may or may not be shown, only time has the final say, but still, my (popular) opinion that this character limit change will strip Twitter of its uniqueness stands.

Don’t except Twitter to go into a good direction. It’s clearly going downhill. I highly recommend having an account somewhere else just in case. If you want to write long-form content, just opt for blogging like I do and I’ve always done in all those years.

Until next time. In the meantime, stay tuned tomorrow (10 January as I’m writing this) for that Windows 8.1 end of support video (isn’t it obvious?), coming at 8:00 GMT+1 (CET).

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