Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024! (well, unless it’s still 2023 for you as you’re reading this, I am in Europe)
With the new year, Lynxmic is getting yet another refresh. The new branding package reflects this, starting today Lynxmic will be visually represented by shades of blue and pink, complete with an ocean background.
This combo results in a “cozy” vibey look and feel, if you will, which in my perspective it’s actually more reflective of what’s the entire motivation behind the Lynxmic project. I’m honestly excited for what’s next. With the new brand refresh comes even more changes.
…sort of. With 2022’s revamp of the “previous” Lynxmic Discord Server, I had several goals which included consolidation of the idea of a Lynxmic community hangout, I can say these were since met. However, I consider things had began getting too stale over time, too clunky.
So, for 2024, the Discord Server has received a makeover which aims to tidy things up and further bring stuff in line with today’s reality. I don’t think it’s impossible to have a Lynxmic Discord Server get some fresh air (as in, bringing it to a somewhat more active state, even if it’s not """>100 messages per week""", even if it will never be as active as Axeon used to be in 2018), it’s worth a try.
I want to confess speaking of the """>100 messages per week""" thingy: after 2019 or so I tried to focus way too much on activity “based on how many messages per week”, without bringing in truly beneficial improvements or any growth with a new wave of people. There’s a really long story behind how a success which I was proud of became a failure, but I don’t want to unnecessarily waste time whining about the past, what happened has happened.
I’m here to concentrate on the present. If you have nothing else to do other than sitting in front of a computer (or looking at a phone or whatever else device there is) and talk to complete random strangers on Discord, then here’s the link to the new revamped server
Okay so, new branding, new Discord Server, what else is new for this year? A new website!
The new redesigned lynxmic.github.io website (which I internally called “LynxWebsite 2.0”) further builds on last summer’s work, now making it an all-round personal website, rather than being just a simplisitic landing page linking to my social media.
There are now several dedicated sections: an About section (where you can learn more about me as a person), a Projects section (which will be a list of all my public projects over time), and a Socials section (which will list all my social media and contact methods).
You can see it for yourself right now through this link. Though I’d like to note that the About section is still incomplete, more will be added later on. You can notice some changes on this blog as well, though they aren’t really notable enough, it’s mostly backend.
Lastly, just like I said in the previous post, expect some content to come in 2024. First off I’m hoping to finally fix the issue of lack of content on this blog (no guarantees though!) and finally come up with something to write about, anything that comes in my mind, anything that I’ll be up to.
As for the YouTube channel, I want to adjust content a bit. For this there’s one point to start with. Lately there wasn’t really much variety, all my videos in recent times were just Windows-related and many consisted of installations, explorations, and upgrading.
First off, I want to give the old-style livestreams I abandoned in 2022 another chance (which is why I made this poll). Basically I want to bring back the LynxLIVE streams (except this time they’ll no longer be called “LynxLIVEs”, just streams). I (once again) cannot promise anything but you should expect the next stream on my channel to be sometime before March (again, for me the first two months of the year are the most boring, so I might happen to be in front of my computer for hours).
Several things clear: there won’t be as many timelapse installation & exploration videos (with the exception of the most interesting Windows Betas, Linux Distros, etc). In addition, I will no longer be making any further experiment videos that involve changing display settings to abnormally high or low resolutions or DPI scaling (e.g. “Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on 330x240 Resolution” or “Windows ME with 500% DPI Scaling”) since they’re rather underrated in contrast to other videos I’ve done.
I might also start doing on my main channel some random content with not as big production value (the MoreLynxmic video Getting Chrome on Windows 10: RTM vs. 22H2 is a great example of the “random content” I specifically want to make for my main channel).
Even more, I haven’t done a Linux video in ages and I want to change that (as soon as I get ideas lol). What’s for sure though is that there will be at least one of those in April, when Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) is expected to release. It pretty much became a tradition on my channel to cover every Ubuntu LTS release as they come (being that I’ve already made videos for 18.04 (now EOL), 20.04, and 22.04 LTS under this what I call “tradition”).
Okay yeah ik I’m not the best in the world at explaining things, though rest assurred I have plans for the Lynxmic project throughout this new year, so look forward to what’s next! :)
…oh, did you know 2024 marks 5 years since I adopted my current alias Lynxmic?