Out with the blue, in with the purple. This is the new Lynxmic.
It’s been almost 10 years since I began my journey creating video content. Since then, things have continuously improved, with me learning a lot of new things in the process. Especially in the last 6 years since starting Lynxmic (5 December 2016).
Today I’m here to introduce a refreshed Lynxmic branding package, which will reflect across all my active online presence, from Twitter and the Fediverse, to my YT channel, Discord and whatnot. After all, purple actually looks cool, so… why not?
The new revamp also means a new major update to this blog, the second since the Bulma redesign last year. And, it’s not just about keeping up with the Lynxmic branding - it’s more than that.
I’ve done an overhaul of the About page, since I wasn’t a fan of its previous/first iteration. I mean, it looked really ugly (let alone primitive), and now it’s much better for sure. Within the blog, you can access the About page by clicking/tapping my name in the author part of the blog post metadata.
The footer was also overhauled, and now there are three buttons. The first one will redirect you to the GitHub repository for the blog; you are free to raise issues/fix any errors you may encounter (e.g. typos). It’s open source, after all.
With the new revamp, and keeping in mind the main channel growth in recent months, it’s important that the production quality of videos get better and better. As such, this will mean that new videos will have more effort put than previously. In other words, things from now on are going to be much more spectacular.
Due to this, I’ve scrapped the fixed video schedule of “Saturdays every week”, so at this moment - during this transitional period - videos will come when ready. As soon as the said “transitional period” ends, with all going to be good and such, there may (or may not) be a new video schedule, that should be comfortable enough for both myself and the YT channel audience in mind.
FYI that there’s a form which you are free to use to give any video ideas you may have and want to see pursued on my YT channel (you can find it here), because… who knows? If I run out of video ideas, then it’s definitely not going to be the first time. A good example being the first half of 2021, when I barely even uploaded anything, again due to lack of ideas.
The videos that will be uploaded over to YouTube will be mirrored to Vanillo, a new platform that tends to be an alternative to YouTube.
Some of you know that in addition to the account I created on Mastodon - due to the Twitter fiasco - I also have an account on Calckey. For those who don’t know what Calckey is, it’s another “social network” (in fact, fediverse software), similar to Mastodon. It uses the ActivityPub protocol (just like Mastodon does), so if you have a Calckey account and want to interact with someone on, let’s say, Mastodon, it’s possible right from Calckey. And vice-versa.
What I want to announce is that I switched instances on Calckey with the occasion of the revamp, as such you can now find me at @lynxmic@calckey.social instead of “@lynxmic@stop.voring.me” like until now. It’s just that I find the former instance to be more suited than the latter.
The revamp is also reflected within the Discord server, as well as my second channel (Lynxmic Gold), which has been renamed MoreLynxmic. Moreover, I plan to set up an official server on Revolt, similar to Discord except it’s FOSS and more user-first. Won’t hesitate to announce it when ready.