This week marks this blog’s one-year anniversary. First post was on 21 November 2021, just one year and two days ago (excluding every blog post before the first post, since they’re all imported from a similar blog I previously operated in 2017-18 on Blogger). Hence, a year since my return to blogging (which so far turned out to focus on updates, updates and more updates and that’s it). FYI, this blog was launched since I didn’t want to use the Medium blog I’ve been active on until late 2019 again and still had.
Also, while at it writing this post, I’ve updated the blog itself to have my new branding with radial gradient, while adding Mastodon in the list of socials in the footer (I’ll talk about it later in the blog post). The blog logo is now truly a logo and is actually centered now. That said, let’s begin with the (non-blog-related) updates.
…or last spring, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. Anyway, back in early August, I stated that “this fall should be more active than last fall”, which was indeed the case. I’ve maintained a weekly video schedule throughout the past three months and I’m still as motivated to make new YouTube videos, with me continuing to come up with lots of video ideas, allowing me to keep maintaining the schedule into 2023. Also in early August, I predicted my main channel would hit 100 subscribers again, which indeed happened in mid-September, earlier than what I expected. Currently, my main channel is at 106 subs.
100 subscribers! (again) 🎉 👀
— Lynxmic (@Lynxmic) September 14, 2022
Regarding my activity on the internet in general, there are also some changes here. First off, there’s no need to rely on the bird site for channel updates, or to do “update videos” anymore, as almost two weeks ago my channels got access to the community tab - after 5 years of waiting. The tab has been proven to be the most practical for use for channel updates. Yet, to this day, you still need to have 500 subscribers to get access to the community tab, so if you have a small channel and don’t have access to the so-called “advanced features”, you’re out of luck. Kinda dissappointing, but again, in my case this is no longer a problem as long as my channels have access to the tab, so let’s just move on.
Ah yes, the bird site. Speaking of the bird site, it’s been going downhill throughout the past month thanks to the acquisition by Musk (and his subsequent actions). This prompted me to join the crowd toward the fediverse, creating a Mastodon account. The initial plan was for the account to serve as a crossposter from Twitter, aimed to reach those people who migrated to Mastodon because of the Twitter fiasco, but lately I’ve been beginning to take Mastodon more seriously, with more exclusive posts to come.
Until the end of the year, at least 4 videos will be going up. Two of them have been already finished in advance and will be out this week and the following week, respectively. The other two are work-in-progress as of when I’m writing this post.
5 December will be the 6th anniversary of the Lynxmic channel, while 28 December will be the 5th anniversary of my current Discord server (time sure flies fast, isn’t it?). There will be no so-called LynxLIVE “Special” from this year onwards, as stated in my last blog post (especially as I retired the LynxLIVE umbrella entirely this fall, in favor of streams of more significance set to Public and thus showing into the new Live tab separating stream VODs from normal videos on my main channel). Instead, I’m considering going for a video with the best moments of X year, like I’ve done in 2018 during the Solarix era. This would be accompanied with a blog post wrapping up the year, similarily to what I did last year. However, the 2022 best moments video will be on a different format than that of the 2018 best moments video.
Anyways, that said, see you at… the last blog post of 2022 in just less than 40 days from when this post was published. Unless I decide to make another blog post in the interim, which is unlikely, knowing how “active” I’ve been this year in blogging, first full year since my 2021 return. In the meantime, see you on YouTube and elsewhere, you know the drill at this point.