Welcome to yet another post on this blog where I just share updates, because otherwise I have no motivation at all to write a single blog post. Explaining the activity of the Jekyll-powered Lynxmic Blog so far this year. Speaking of years, we’re already in September, which means there’s only less than 4 months left to the end of the year. In addition, this means Summer 2022 is coming to an end soon.
And the fact Summer 2022 is coming to an end means some updates too. Videos that came out throughout this summer have contained a motion background (for the first time since late 2018/early 2019) of a sea (because after all, it was the summer season, right?). A still-frame of the motion background was used as the background of the Lynxmic social media headers as well. Now you may or may know about this, but this special version of the Lynxmic branding used during the summer (from 2021 onwards) was always meant to be used between mid-June and the date when school starts in Romania in September. However, this year I’ll be making an exception on when the summer background should be switched back to the main background, because this year school in Romania starts a week earlier than last year. That is, on 5 September. In fact, school is starting earlier than it would usually do in this country, the tradition being 15 September. I want to announce that the summer version of the branding will remain around this year until 15 September, after which it will be reverted.

You may have been noticed that since late August, there has been a video coming out every Saturday. I can confirm this, because the new thumbnail layout, together with video ideas that came in my mind during the time I took a break from YT (first half of August), have gave me enough motivation to start focusing on video projects more, allowing me to post one (or sometimes even two) videos per week. What also helped get me here is my IdeaPad 3, which is more powerful than my previous main computer (my G50-70) despite having an i3 instead of an i5 like the G50-70. Until now, I posted videos only at random times, whenever I felt like to, whenever I had free time, and whenever I had some video idea. Two videos came out under the new schedule so far and another two were already finished and uploaded to YT by the time I’m writing this blog post, the first coming tomorrow and the second next week. Even more are planned; if you have a suggestion for a video that you want to see on the Lynxmic channel, you may submit it to the video idea form.
So yeah, new videos to come on a weekly basis.
Oh, speaking of thumbnails, ICYMI in late July I changed the thumbnails of all my public Lynxmic videos that came out prior to June 2019 to use a new thumbnail design. However, I recently came up with an updated version of the thumbnail design for the latest videos and I can say it looks way better than the previous design, so I’m announcing here that the thumbnails of those older Lynxmic videos that came out prior to June 2019 will be changed again by the end of this week to use the new thumbnail design (can guarantee this will be the last time I’ll be actually doing this.)
In the last blog post, I announced the return of LynxLIVEs for an indefinite amount of time, after I switched to a better internet plan in Spain. Now, with the first stream under the LynxLIVE umbrella soon nearing its 3rd anniversary (7 September 2019), I’ve got some announcements regarding the future of the LynxLIVE umbrella.
I’ll be retiring LynxLIVE as of this blog post. Nowadays these streams just became more of some kind of boredom streams, let it be Windows version/Linux distro revisiting, OS installations, etc. The only 2022 LynxLIVEs with some value were the stream where I installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (because it was on release day, and it is an LTS), and the three LynxLIVEs from last month were more to show what’s been going on behind the scenes, mostly around the video where I took a look at Windows 8 betas between builds 7746 and 7899, that came out last Saturday. Less value here, but a little more than the other LynxLIVEs of 2022.
While this may be the end of LynxLIVE, it’s the start of a new chapter of streaming. Streams will now on will mostly focus on more significant topics and be more rare on the channel. Additionally, for the first time since Summer 2019, the stream replays would be made public from the start. Any “boredom stream” from now on, if there will be any, will be on Lynxmic Gold.
As for the annual LynxLIVE Special streams, they will be scrapped as well from this year onwards, because anyways they’ve just served as “boredom streams” anyway. In 2019 and 2020, the streams would be just me playing around with VMs, taking place in or after Christmas Day. I attempted to change that with the 2021 installment, by moving the stream from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve and including a countdown to 2022 for the timezones EET (GMT+2), CET (GMT+1) and partially WET (GMT+0). Not just that, plans for LynxLIVE Special 2021 and part 2 of this stream from Nov 2021 were merged to form the main topic of LynxLIVE Special 2021, in order to try to make it more interesting than the previous LLS installments. But as for the 2022 installment, uhhh… just consider it cancelled. From this year onwards, the LynxLIVE Special streams will be replaced with a normal video at the end of the year, a compliation of the best moments of the Lynxmic/Lynxmic Gold videos of the year.
This article was updated on 3 September 2022.