I am just a semi-average internet user~
The future of the blog and other updates
6 August 2022 ・ No description available

No intro this time, let’s get into the subject of the blog post.

While I expected this blog, back in November last year, to be my true return to blogging, in reality so far I only made 3 blog posts including this one (on this blog), excluding the posts imported from the previous Lynxmic blogs from during 2017-18. You may or may know that this blog preceded the one that was on Medium, which was the platform I used until I became inactive on blogging for 2 years. This current blog is actually my second attempt at making a blog from scratch, the first concept dating back to summer 2018 (“the BWTech.ml blog”). Unlike on the first concept, this time Jekyll was used, in order to make the creation of blog posts much easier. However, having to use code software (or other software that supports .md editing) to create those honestly demotivates me from making as many blog posts. At the same time, this was the best solution I found for blog posts, because Blogger is just meh, WordPress is just not my thing, and Medium is no longer the Medium I knew back in early 2018, when I first started using it.

That said, if Twitter will release its new Notes feature more widely, and including to me, this may mean the end of this Jekyll-powered Lynxmic Blog. If any of my hypotethical Notes will have more than 2,500 characters as the current limit is, well… it’s not like I can split the Note in parts. However, if the feature will not release, activity in this blog will continue. If it releases, this blog will be ending its activity, but its current address (lynxmic.github.io) will remain online as a portal with links to my main YT channel, my Twitter account and my Discord server, along with another link to view the archive of this blog. As such, in case of a hypotethical removal of the Notes feature after release (like what happened with Fleets, which was essentially just a failed attempt by Twitter to copy the Stories feature of Facebook (and Instagram), which no one used), this blog will no longer need to be set up again, just switch back to the blog’s main GitHub branch, because the portal I mentioned I’d do would be on a separate branch. Won’t really miss the times when social platforms tried to be FB/IG by copying Stories, but the trend nowadays of social platforms is copying TikTok (YT with Shorts, FB and IG with Reels… oh, shouldn’t forget that IG wanted to transition to a TikTok-style feed a few days ago, but the criticism made them revert the decision, which is good news).

So… yeah. To end the blog post, I want to share some updates with y’all while I’m still writing this: Some minor updates to the blog layout while inactive in blogging these past almost 4 months include a new favicon (switched from the Lynxmic logo to the pen), and the removal of all references to the r/Lynxmic subreddit, which was closed down 2 weeks ago due to inactivity and me not even caring of it. Besides updates on the blog, I switched yesterday to a new internet plan with faster speeds (even faster than what I have in Romania at home); if you follow me on Twitter, you may already know this:

I also recently made a Twitlonger post where I stated I’d take a break from making YouTube videos for the entirety of August 2022. I want to announce that this will no longer apply. This week I’ll be going elsewhere, and I’ll be left only with my mobile data (limited data as I’m roaming), so you obviously can’t expect anything from me on YT this week (at the same time. you should expect little activity from me elsewhere, as I’m conserving data). But next week, I’ll be going to start working on new videos, being especially motivated to do this by the speeds of my new internet connection in Spain, which allow me to prepare new videos/streams much faster. Also next week, LynxLIVEs will be resuming (and will most likely be never in hiatus for a very long time from now on), you may expect at least one LynxLIVE in the second half of this month.