“Hello this is Lynxmic and welcome to this blog post. This is the first blog post of 2022. Now to the blog post!!!”
Okay, okay, that was only a reference to the first blog post of 2018, where I talked about my Discord server, Axeon (click/tap here to join if interested, we mostly talk tech & gaming stuff) which at the time was still new and growing, and known as Aqua. And yes, this is seriously the first blog post of 2022, because the last one was last year. Anyways, the topic of this blog post is April Fools Day; I began writing this blog post the next day (2 April) but I couldn’t bother to finish writing this until today, but that’s besides the point. This year, it was about a rename from Lynxmic to “Cimxnyl” (the same Lynxmic name, in reverse), with a very simple branding using the Arial font.

Anyone who follows me/often checks out my Twitter page may have noticed what was with this whole Cimxnyl thingy in the most closest way. I referred to “Cimxnyl” as “a YouTube channel manufacturing batteries and tripods”, referring to SocialBlade adjusting “estimated earnings” to show batteries and tripods instead of the actual estimated earnings it would usually show, again for this year’s April Fools:
Fun Fact: Cimxnyl is not just an alkaline battery factory, but also a tripod factory! However, alkaline batteries are still a priority here at Cimxnyl. pic.twitter.com/ZmdA0W49yc
— Lynxmic (@Lynxmic) April 1, 2022
However, as you may or may not know, this is not the first year Lynxmic had an active involvement in April Fools-related stuff. This blog post will show past April Fools during the over 5 years of Lynxmic, up to 2022. At the end of this blog post, I have several announcements to make as well.
One year ago, the Lynxmic official Discord server, Axeon, was known as Lynx-Axeon, a name resulting from reintegrating LynxPlaza, a server specifically made for everything Lynxmic, back in late 2020, to the mother Axeon server from which it split in late 2019. For April Fools 2021, the main focus was the Axeon Discord server, which was renamed from Lynx-Axeon to just “Lynx”.
second half of Lynx-Axeon name is no longer.
— Axeon (@Axeon) April 1, 2021
say hello to the "Lynx" official Discord server!
this is the official Twitter account for "Lynx".
However, not just that! The names of the channels and roles of the Discord server were also changed. So, the names of all channels started with “lynx-” and the role names started with “best”.
In 2020, there was nothing for April Fools. For short, April Fools 2020 was skipped. I did not heistate back then to announce this. I invoked the reasons of “what’s going on in the world [at the time]” and “technical reasons”. It’s very easy to guess what was the specific “what’s going on in the world” thing: the COVID-19 pandemic had just begun at the time, with many lockdowns imposed around the world (this included my location). And regarding the “technical reasons”, they weren’t exactly technical (why did I use the word technical at this point?): for context, I just didn’t fully prepare April Fools 2020 at Lynxmic while I was still planning it. As such, April Fools jokes would be resumed a year later, in 2021, and beyond.
I made the decision to cancel Lynxmic April Fools jokes for this year. Not only because of what's going on in the world right now but also for other technical reasons.
— Lynxmic (@Lynxmic) April 1, 2020
In late 2018, taking advantage of the power of my then-new main PC (Lenovo G50-70), I set up a macOS Mojave VM. The main aim, generally speaking, was for me to actually use macOS for the first time. Wondering how many apps I use on Windows work on macOS, I decided to install apps on the macOS VM.
For a few days, I’ve been actually using the macOS VM more than the Windows install on the host machine. This idea led, in 2019, to a video made as an April Fools joke, where I would announce me actually switching from my Lenovo G50-70 to a “MacBook” (which in reality was a VMware VM) running macOS Mojave. The video shows me writing on TextEdit (the equivalent of Notepad in Windows for macOS) while having Chrome, Discord, Finder and the Mac App Store open, as if macOS was my daily use OS. You may also notice some other programs I use on Windows pinned on the macOS deck. After closing TextEdit, the video would then switch to text stating: “Actually, I have no idea why did I switch…”, followed by the end of the video.
This was the first year where there was April Fools at Lynxmic (because 2017 was just like 2020, “business-as-usual”). In 2018, I reverted the Lynxmic branding that was in use at that time (during spring 2018), to that used in August 2017, and Axeon (back then known as Aqua Community) was renamed “BriciWorld Lounge”, after the server that preceded Axeon, “BriciWorld” representing my online identity back then (and still was until August 2018, when I began using the name Solarix for another year until renaming to Lynxmic).
You may or may not know that “Brici” in the name originated from one of my channels I ran in 2016 prior to creating the current Lynxmic YT channel (known as “Computer Brici”, a channel in Romanian language that no longer exists), “Brici” meaning “razor” in Romanian. When creating my first Discord account, that was the name I used. In late spring 2017, I changed my name to “BriciTech”, and the name of my Discord server back then to “BriciTech Community”. Then in June 2017, the Discord server was renamed to “BriciWorld”, and in August 2017 I changed my name again to “BriciWorld” from “BriciTech” and the Discord server was renamed from “BriciWorld” to “BriciWorld Lounge”.
Since then, for the next year, I’ve been looking to change my name to something that doesn’t contain “brici” word into it. The first attempt, which didn’t work out, was changing the “Brici” to “BW” with a -. As such, “BriciWorld” would become “BW-Tech”, and “BriciWorld Lounge” would be “BW-Lounge”.
Now into announcements. If you read the blog in the past month (or you only came to this blog post from outside), you may or may not noticed new changes to the blog itself, including moving the Share functionality from the bottom of blog posts, to the head section, among other minor adjustments. The adjustments to the head section open way for a potential implementation of the ability to search blog posts, which is currently in works.
Also, last Monday, you may or may not remember that I’ve done a LynxLIVE on Windows Vista. Last Monday was 11 April, which 5 years ago was the end of support date for Vista. Today, I finally published the stream as a VOD, process which took longer than usual as I had to trim a few seconds of the stream. Also what took it longer for me to make it viewable to the public was my laziness-as-usual, so… feel free to watch it.
Future LynxLIVE ideas right now include revisiting Windows 10 Creators Update (this update to W10 was released on Vista’s EOS date; 11 April 2017). I’m now in spring break so this means, more time to focus on the Lynxmic project for this second half of April. Including on new videos (the time has come to publish a new video anyways, because the last was in early March).